Welcome to Wildflour Pâtisserie

by Jasmin

A.k.a. my struggles of creating a blog and where I wanna go

I have been wanting to create this blog for such a long time now. I never really knew where to start or what to write about, what to post, trying to get perfect images and wonderful content fist. I thought, what’s the point of posting, if its not looking good, if I’m not providing the best recipe ever? Those of you who are just as perfectionist might understand. Or everyone who ever spend time on a baking blog that looks so professional you have no idea how people with a full time job and three kids do that.

It’s easy to forget that a „perfect blog“ (whatever that even means, right?!) is hardly born overnight. People invest a lot of time, usually going one step at a time, building it, learning with every mistake they make, learning with every success. As I said, it took me years to finally launch my blog. And I’m trying to take one step at a time and truth be told, I have no idea what I’m doing. I mean honestly, maybe no one will actually ever find this post because I am simply ignoring all the SEO advice you can find. Which also constantly changes, how great is that. 

But let’s not loose sight of what I’m trying to tell. Which is probably that I am trying to do my best – to share with you my way, my story of finally learning how to bake professionally, of how I left Germany to move to France to go to pastry school, to finally be able to ask all the questions about doughs and creams and croissants and why you need to use a thermometer for your sugar sirup (who cares if its 118 degrees or 125 degrees??). I would’ve been so happy to read about those experiences myself, read about the happiness, read about the struggles connected with it.

So that is what I am going to do, share my knowledge and experience with you. I am slowly understanding more of the baking science and the wonderful way of baking like the French do. Hopefully soon, this blog will be alive and filled with beautiful content about my time in France, my first professional experience working in a Pâtisserie in Paris and some recipes I’m currently thinking about. And if you want me to, I will even try to explain why your sugar sirup should be at a certain temperature. 😉

If you ever feel like reaching out, please do so! You can always contact me on instagram (wildflour__patisserie) or via mail at [email protected]. Can’t wait to hear from you!

Talk to you soon!

Bisous (the French kiss-greeting)





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